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Load Balancer Configuration

Enabling Configuration

Most configuration in Kubernetes is done in Kubernetes itself using Ingress specifications and helm. However, if you wish to access the Web Application Firewall (WAF) which is able to use ModSecurity rules, you will need to enable configuration.

Configuration, other than the high level configuration done in Kubernetes and helm is done using the WebAdmin Console. To enable it in helm, you will add the helm configuration parameter to your startup script:

--set service.ports.config=7090

7090 is the default external port; if you specify a different one to meet your security needs, you'll need to note it for the examples below.

All of the examples below assumed you have started the LiteSpeed Ingress Controller and enabled the configuration port.

Accessing Configuration

You access configuration from your browser using the IP address assigned by Kubernetes or the DNS name which is associated to it using the port 7090. For example:

WebAdmin Console Login

Initial login from the distribution uses the User name: Admin and the Password: 123456

Security Issue

The default user and password must certainly be changed immediately. Changes to configuration are automatically saved to Kubernetes ConfigMaps and normally you will not need to be concerned about them, as this makes the changes persistent.

Once you have logged in, to change the Admin password, select the WebAdmin Console icon, press the Security tab and you will see the admin user. Click on the user.

Changing the WebAdmin Console Login Admin Password

  • Old Password : Enter 123456
  • New Password : Enter a new password that meets the security requirements of your organization
  • Retype Password: Enter the new password again

Press the Save link to save your configuration and return to the previous screen. The new password will be effective immediately.

Setting up the WAF

To enable the Web Application Firewall, you will need to:

  • Copy rules to the load balancer.
  • Create a template which can be used by an Ingress.
  • Specify the template in your Ingress.

The primary documentation for the LiteSpeed WAF is Enabling ModSecurity Rules on Standalone LiteSpeed Web Server.

Copy Rules to the Load Balancer

Assuming you're using the Comodo rules, you would download the rules to a directory on your local machine with Kubernetes server access:

unzip cpanel_litespeed_vendor
cd comodo_litespeed/
mv rules.conf.main rules.conf
cd ..

Rules must be copied to the /usr/local/lslb/conf/configmaps directory or below.


All files copied to /usr/local/lslb/conf/configmaps directory or below will be persisted between pod starts as ConfigMaps. Litespeed will also persist configuration and other files as ConfigMaps.

Assuming the LiteSpeed Ingress Controller is using pod ls-k8s-webadc-7dcbcb7569-dpk8t, specify:

kubectl cp comodo_litespeed "ls-k8s-webadc-7dcbcb7569-dpk8t:usr/local/lslb/conf/configmaps"

Creating a Template

A template is used to make the rules available to LiteSpeed. You create a template in the configuration by pulling down the Configuration menu and selecting Virtual Host Templates. On the right side of the Virtual Host Template List press the Add button to create a new template:

Adding a New Template

For this example:

  • Template Name: Enter comodo
  • Template File: Enter $SERVER_ROOT/conf/templates/comodo.xml
  • Mapped Listeners: Enter Default which is an existing listener and is required.

Press the Save button in the Virtual Host Template titlebar. It will say Input error detected, but in the Template File box you will see:

*file /usr/local/lslb/conf/templates/comodo.xml does not exist. CLICK TO CREATE

Click on the CLICK TO CREATE label and then press the Save button again to return to Virtual Host Templates.

Edit the Template

In the Virtual Host Templates list, click on the comodo entry to enter the template editor. The first tab displayed is the Template tab and you need to edit this. In the ZeroConf table, press the Edit button in the header bar:

Template ZeroConf Configuration

  • Used by ZeroConf: Press the Yes radiobutton

Press the Save button in the ZeroConf titlebar to return.

General Configuration

Press the tab General in the Virtual Host Template table. In the Template Settings table press the Edit button.

Template General Configuration

You only need to enter a single value here:

  • Config File: $SERVER_ROOT/conf/configmaps/$VH_NAME/vhconf.conf The file name must have the symbolic $VH_NAME (to guarantee uniqueness) and must be in the $SERVER_ROOT/conf/configmaps directory to be properly serialized and persist between POD restarts.

Press the Save button in the Template Settings titlebar to save your definition.

Security Configuration

Press the tab Security in the Virtual Host Template table. This is where you enable the important security settings for your template.

To enable the WAF, in the Web Application Firewall WAF) table press the Edit button in the titlebar:

Template Enable WAF Configuration

  • Enable WAF: Yes
  • Log Level: Enter 0 to disable logging. You may want to start with a high number like 9 when debugging problems, but with big rule sets, like Comodo, it results in excess logging.
  • Default Action: Written following mod_security guidelines, a reasonable value is deny,log,status:403 which will result in a failed attempt to be denied, a message logged (if logging is enabled) and a 403 Forbidden return code.
  • Scan Request Body: Only affecting POST requests, best protection is provided by selecting Yes, at the cost of some performance loss.

Press the Save button in the Web Application Firewall titlebar to return.

To specify your rules, in the WAF Rule Set titlebar press the Add button.

Template WAF Rule Set Configuration

  • Name: comodo
  • Enabled: Yes
  • Rules Definition: Include $SERVER_ROOT/conf/configmaps/comodo_litespeed/rules.conf to use the rules you copied above

Press the Save button in the WAF Rule Set titlebar to return.

Graceful Restart

This completes the required configuration for a template using the Comodo ruleset in the LiteSpeed Configuration. To activate it, press the Graceful Restart highlight just above the tabs. This will return you to the WebADC control panel.

Using Your Template in an Ingress

In the example above, you created a template named comodo. You use it by entering an Annotation in your Ingress definition. To use the LiteSpeed Ingress Controller you must already have the annotation in your Ingress definition of:

Now add just after it, the annotation : comodo

This is a simple sample Ingress definition:

    kind: Ingress
      name: modsec-foo
      annotations: : comodo
        - hosts:
          secretName: conformance-tls
        - host: "modsec-foo"
              - path: /foo
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: modsec-foo
                      number: 8080

Once you have activated your Ingress you can test it. With most rules, including the Comodo rules, the following specification will result in a 403 return code:

https://$server_domain/?a=b AND 1=1

Using the example Ingress above:

https://modsec-foo/foo?a=b AND 1=1

Template WAF Test

Last update: May 29, 2024