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ZeroConf Configuration

Every time you add a new site or modify a domain, you must configure:

  • Listener
  • Listener Log
  • Access Log
  • Access Control

Wouldn't it be nice to simply that workflow? That's where ZeroConf comes in.

Benefits of ZeroConf

With ZeroConf enabled, you only need to configure Listeners, and optionally Virtual Host Templates. That's it.

ZeroConf enables automatic configuration updates to simplify the process of setting up the ADC and Web Server. ZeroConf simplifies configuration for admins with many sites and/or servers. It works for a single front end node as well as for a multi-front-end highly available set up.

  • No need to manage multiple clusters anymore. You manage:
    • One Cluster
    • One Mode
    • One Strategy
  • No need to set up all the end points in a Worker Group
  • No need to set up Virtual Hosts and Cluster mapping


This page describes the latest version of ZeroConf used by the Kubernetes program to control the load balancer. Thus there are features described here that will only be available in 3.3 or newer versions of the load balancer.

Set up ZeroConf in WebAdmin

ZeroConf must be set up in the Web ADC's WebAdmin Console. There is an optional cPanel plugin as well, which interfaces with the server side. If you wish to use the cPanel plugin, you can follow these instructions to set it up, after you have finished configuring WebAdmin.

Set up Listeners

  • Navigate to Configuration > Listeners.
  • Edit HTTP listener, set Enable Zero Config to Yes, and click Save.
  • Edit HTTPS listener, set Enable Zero Config to Yes, and verify that the SSL-related fields are also set up.

Create Account and Password

Determine where to place the .htpasswd file. It must be in a directory readable by the user running the ADC worker (default nobody).

Run the following command to generate the .htpasswd file from console, replacing zero with the account name you would like to use. You can change it to whatever you want, but keep in mind, there can only be one ZeroConf account:

htpasswd -c /HTPASSWD_PATH/.htpasswd zero

Enter your preferred password two times. For this example, let's say it is also zero.


If the command htpasswd is not found, please run the following command to install on CentOS:

yum -y install httpd-tools


An .htgroup may be created if desired, but is not required.

Configure ZeroConf

Navigate to Configuration > Server > ZeroConf.

ZeroConf Settings

Click Edit in the General section and set the following:

  • Enable Zero Config: Yes
  • User Password File: /HTPASSWD_PATH/.htpasswd (replace HTPASSWD_PATH with the actual file path to .htpasswd)
  • Group Password File: /HTGROUP_PATH/.htgroup (optional, replace HTGROUP_PATH with the actual file path to .htgroup)
  • ZConf SHM Directory: $SERVER_ROOT/zconf

Everything else may be left as the default values.

Save your changes. The settings will be applied to all ZeroConf workers.

ZeroConf Settings

Click Add in the ZeroConf Listeners section and set the following:

  • Listener Name: ZConf (or whatever you'd like to call it)
  • Address: Web ADC's IP address and a port of your choice, e.g.
  • Private Key File: $SERVER_ROOT/crm.key (replace with actual path to your key)
  • Certificate File: $SERVER_ROOT/crm.pem (replace with actual path to your cert)

Save the new listener.

Optional Debug Log

If you are encountering problems with ZeroConf, you can enable debug logging.

Click Edit in the ZeroConf Listener Log section and set the following:

  • File Name: $SERVER_ROOT/Zconf.log
  • Log Level: DEBUG
  • Debug Level: HIGH
  • Rolling Size (bytes): 10M

Save your changes.


If you are not actively trying to find a problem, set Debug Level to NONE. Debug logs can easily fill up disk space, if left to run indefinitely.

Optional Access Log

You can keep an access log. Click Edit in the ZeroConf Access Log section and set the following:

  • File Name: $SERVER_ROOT/Zconf-Access.log
  • Rolling Size (bytes): 10M

Save your changes.

Virtual Host Templates

ZeroConf can use ADC-configured Virtual Host Templates to generate a collection of VHosts that differ only by domain and cluster.

ZeroConf only requires a Template VHost. There is no need to create Member VHosts. ZeroConf inherits from the Template VHost.


With ZeroConf, server-level inheritance is not guaranteed for template values that are Not Set. We recommend that you explicitly configure as many values as possible, and not rely on server-level inheritance.

ADC Configurations

In addition to the general template configurations, the following options are available:

  • Server > ZeroConf > Separate VHost Per Domain, and Virtual Host Templates > Template > ZeroConf> Separate VHost Per Domain each control how the ADC build virtual hosts. By default, domains that share backend combinations will also share VHosts and cache stores. Enabling Separate VHost Per Domain creates individual VHosts and cache stores. These are two separate options at two separate levels, and they do not impact each other. This option defaults to No on both levels.
  • Virtual Host Templates > Template > ZeroConf > Used By ZeroConf toggles whether to allow ZeroConf to use the template. It defaults to Yes.


ZeroConf is not context aware. It does not know that there are similarities between and If Separate VHost per Domain is enabled, then these domains will each have their own VHosts.

ZeroConf Messages

By default, no templates are selected. Therefore, the server level settings are used to create the VHosts.

To use a template, the ZCUP ("ZeroConf Cluster Up") message that you send to the API needs to include a "template" configuration in one of the defined VHosts.


Suppose we want to disable cache for a specific domain. In the ADC configuration, you would create a VHost Template named noCacheTemplate that disables the cache settings. Your ZCUP message would then look like the following:

"vhost_list" :
                "template" : "noCacheTemplate",
                "domain_list" :
                        [ "","","","","",""],
                "conf_list" : [
                        "lb_port_list" : [443],
                        "dport" : 443,
                        "be_ssl" : true,
                        "ip_list" :
                                        { "ip": "", "port_list" : [443] }
,               {
                "domain_list" :
                        [ "","","","","",""],
                "conf_list" : [
                        "lb_port_list" : [443],
                        "dport" : 443,
                        "be_ssl" : true,
                        "ip_list" :
                                        { "ip": "", "port_list" : [443] }

This ZCUP configuration includes two VHosts. The conf list is identical. The only difference is the domain list and a template configuration in the first VHost. The first VHost uses the VHost Template named noCacheTemplate configured in the ADC. The second VHost uses the server level configurations.


ZeroConf works by sending messages to LiteSpeed Web ADC, detailing the configuration for backend clusters. The API provides responses indicating success or failure.

The current configuration status can be viewed in the WebAdmin Console, under Actions > Real-Time Stats.

Sending ZeroConf API Messages

ZeroConf messages have the following components and may conveniently be sent via curl command:

  • BASICAUTH_USER: The configured basic auth user name.
  • BASICAUTH_PASSWORD: The configured basic auth password.
  • LSADC_IP: The IP Address of Web ADC
  • LSADC_ZEROCONF_PORT: The configured port for ZeroConf messages on the ADC.
  • API_COMMAND: The command to be issued. These are listed below.
  • UNQ_BACKEND_NAME: A name to uniquely identify this backend server. It is used as an identifier for uploaded configurations.



Handling ZeroConf API Responses

Messages to the ZeroConf API receive HTTP responses, with common status codes (typically 200 for success, 400 for invalid messages and failures). Response bodies may contain data from the ZeroConf system or error messages detailing a problem encountered while trying to process a received message.


This is a sample error response for a configuration message. The request returns an HTTP status code of 400, with the following response body:

                "bip_list" :
Error: Expected "domain_list" at line 7 at col 18
Error: Could not read vhost config at line 6 at col 18
Error: Could not read vhost list at line 4 at col 10
Error: Could not read configuration message at line 1 at col 1

API Configuration Messages

Configuration messages are sent to LiteSpeed Web ADC using the HTTP protocol with Basic Authentication over a secure connection. Once the ZeroConf Listeners are configured according to the Setup section above, they will accept and process configuration messages sent to their respective IP and port.

Each configuration message must be sent to the URL composed of the ZeroConf Listener IP and port, with a request string specifying the configuration command and the cluster name.

For URLs below, optional fields are shown in brackets ([ and ]) and further explained in the notes.

The data for the command must be included in the POST body of the message in the order shown. As brackets are used in the message format, optional fields are shown underlined.

After the initial conf= string, white space is ignored between fields in the config message body.

Note that while the message is in JSON-like format, it is not generic JSON and the order must be followed as shown.

ZCUP Message

The ZCUP message informs LiteSpeed Web ADC that a cluster is up (or back up) and is available to support backend traffic.

The configuration is a list of vhost objects. Each vhost object's configurations are not correlated with each other.

  • template (optional): The name of the template to use with the listed domains. If not set, the domains will use the ADC's server default settings.
  • domain_list: The list of domains that will utilize this vhost definition. See domain_list wildcards below for the use of wildcards. 1
  • context_list: (optional) A list of paths if all backends use the same paths. See Using context_list below for a description of using contexts. 1
  • conf_list: List of ADC port / Backend Port combinations. Each port combination should be its own object.
    • lb_port_list: The list of ports to associate with the backend port.
    • force_http_error: Optional parameter to force a specific HTTP error. If set, subsequent parameters are optional. Note that a value of 301, 302 or 303 is considered below as a redirect.1
    • dport: The backend port to forward the requests to.
    • be_ssl: true/false defining whether the backend is an SSL backend or plaintext.
    • strategy: (Kubernetes, optional) If set to 5 (weighted), priority set in ip-list will be used as a weight and must be 0..100. 1
    • ip_list: List of IPs to mark as the backend. Each IP should be its own object. Each ip_list object is an independent worker and is tunable at that level.
      • ip: A backend IP.
      • port_list(optional): A comma delimited list of ports (integers), if different than dport.
      • max_conn (optional): The maximum number of connections for this IP.
      • priority (optional): Denotes the priority value for the configured node group. Only useful when the LB strategy is set to failover or weighted. Minimum value 0, default 100, maximum 255. 1
      • context_list: (optional) A list of paths if NOT all backends use the same paths. See Using context_list below for a description of using contexts. 1

Message Format:

                "template" : "TEMPLATE_NAME",
                "domain_list" :
                    [ "", "", "" ],
                "conf_list" :
                            "lb_port_list" : [ 80 ],
                            "dport" : 80,
                            "be_ssl" : false,
                            "ip_list" :
                                        "ip" : "",
                                        "port_list" : [ PORT1, PORT2 ]
    "vhost_list" :
        "domain_list" :
            [ "", "", "" ],
        "conf_list" :
                "lb_port_list" : [ 80 ],
                "dport" : 80,
                "be_ssl" : false,
                "ip_list" :
                    { "ip" : "", "port_list" : [ 8080 ] },
                    { "ip" : "" }
                    { "ip" : "", "port_list" : [ 8080 ], "max_conn" : 5000 },
                    { "ip" : "", "priority" : 150 },
        "domain_list" :
            [ "", "", "", "" ],
        "conf_list" :
                "lb_port_list" : [ 443 ],
                "dport" : 443,
                "be_ssl" : true,
                "ip_list" :
                    { "ip" : "" },
                    { "ip" : "" }
        "template" : "noCacheTemplate"
        "domain_list" :
            [ "", "", "" ],
        "conf_list" :
                "lb_port_list" : [ 443 ],
                "dport" : 443,
                "be_ssl" : true,
                "ip_list" :
                    { "ip" : "" },
                    { "ip" : "" }

The sample data above should be in the data file when sending via the command line. The API_COMMAND should be ZCUP.

The example ZCUP configuration includes three vhosts. The second and third conf lists are identical; the only difference is the domain list and a template configuration in the third VHost. The second VHost uses the server level configurations. The third VHost uses the VHost Template named noCacheTemplate configured in the ADC.


A ZeroConf VHost is NOT the same as an ADC VHost. VHost in the context of a ZeroConf ZCUP message is defined as the list of domains that share the conf_list and template. A single VHost configuration can include thousands of domains as long as they share the conf_list. For example, if there is a backend server with 1000 domains that are listening to port 443, they can share a vhost.

domain_list wildcards 1

In the domain_list wildcards can be used which follow the Kubernetes wildcard rules.

A standalone domain_list can exist which specifies the wildcard * which indicates that it should match any domain not matching any other entries. The LiteSpeed Ingress Controller uses this to specify the 404 Not Found backend.

A standalone domain_list can also exist which specifies the wildcard ** which indicates that it should match any domain which matches context_list or other qualifiers which are not domain specific and should be used before referring to the * domain. The LiteSpeed Ingress Controller uses this to specify the unnamed domain.

Using context_list 1

A context_list contains a list of context_name entries which represent paths to be accepted. Each context_name is recognized as a prefix. If a context_list is specified then paths specified by users which don't match any of the specified context_name prefixes will return 404 Not Found messages at the load balancer level. This allows you to:

  • Limit access to the backends to a very specific set of paths, improving overall performance and security.
  • If you specify a context_list within an ip_list then you have use a single set of domain names for multiple backend applications, potentially on multiple servers for maximum scalability.

This feature is used by the LiteSpeed Ingress Controller and the examples below are from the samples provided with it.

So if you specify a context_list after a domain_list you get the benefits of performance and security. For example:

    "vhost_list" :
        "domain_list": [
        "context_list": [
                "context_name": "/bar/"
                "context_name": "/com/"
                "context_name": "/foo/"
        "conf_list": [
                "lb_port_list": [
                "dport": 8080,
                "be_ssl": false,
                "ip_list": [
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [

Within a context_list, you can have the following optional items, in the order here:

  • exact: If set to true indicates that the context must match exactly (it is not a prefix). The default is false.
  • regex: An optional boolean indicating that the context_name has a PCRE regular expression in it and that rewrite_target is allowed to contain PCRE replacement strings if this is a rewrite.
  • order: An optional string which will be used if there is an exact match within this list to determine the order of entries.
  • header_list: A list of name and value and an optional boolean regex entries which indicate the headers to be matched to qualify as a match of this context. If you specify "regex" : "true" and this is a redirect, you can have an optional wildcarded replacement string in the value.
  • query_list: A list of name and value and an optional boolean regex entries which indicate the query strings to be matched to qualify as a match of this context. If you specify "regex" : "true" and this is a redirect, you can have an optional wildcarded replacement string in the value.
  • header_list_add: A list of name and value entries which will be automatically added to the request header when routed to the backend.
  • header_list_set: A list of name and value entries which will be added to the request header (if the name is not found) or replaced in the header (if the name is found) when routed to the backend.
  • header_list_delete: A string list of request header names which will be removed if they exist from the header when routed to the backend.
  • rewrite_target: An optional string, specifies a PCRE wildcard string if regex is on or a non-wildcarded rewrite otherwise. Can also be used for redirects with force_http_error and can then support an additional PCRE wildcarded target.
  • rewrite_absolute: An optional boolean forces the rewrite target to be taken as a fixed (non-prefix) value. Otherwise, pathing is added as for all prefixes. Can be used with rewrite or redirect.
  • rewrite_host: An optional string, specifies a host name to be used in place of the requested one. Can include a :port if there is to be port redirection as well. Can be used in rewrite or redirect.

In the above example, if the user specified the request would be routed to one of the backends using the lb_strategy specified in the ZCLBALANCERCFG message. If the user specified a path not in the list, like the load balancer would return a 404 message immediately.

If you specify a context_list within an ip_list you get the additional advantages of multiple backend access by path. For example:

    "vhost_list" :
        "domain_list": [
        "conf_list": [
                "lb_port_list": [
                "dport": 8080,
                "be_ssl": false,
                "ip_list": [
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [
                        "context_list": [
                                "context_name": "/foo/bar/"
                                "context_name": "/fooby/"
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [
                        "context_list": [
                                "context_name": "/foo/bar/"
                                "context_name": "/fooby/"
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [
                        "context_list": [
                                "context_name": "/bar/"
                                "context_name": "/bar2/"
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [
                        "context_list": [
                                "context_name": "/bar/"
                                "context_name": "/bar2/"

In the above example:

  • If the user specified the request would be routed to one of the backends (either or again using the lb_strategy specified in the ZCLBALANCERCFG message.
  • If the user specified the request would be routed to a different set of backends (either or
  • If the user specified a path not in the list, like the load balancer would return a 404 message immediately.
Using rewrite_parms 1

rewrite_parms contains a list of rewrite options which can be configured using this mechanism. If rewrite_parms is missing then no specific rewrites are done.

The rewrite_parms go after domain_list and before context_list if specified for the whole domain_list. If there is no context_list at this level, put them before conf_list.

All rewrite_parms are optional but must be in the following order:

Parameter Description Value Example
"rewrite_target" Target URI where the traffic must be redirected. quoted string If specified without "use_regex", can be used for example, to take two paths, say /api/customer/ and /api/customer/, and have them routed to the root by specifying rewrite-target /. If specified with "use_regex": true you can use numbered groups. For example, if you specify the path /something(/|$)(.*) and rewrite-target: /$2 and the request is for /something/abc it will match the second group and be routed to /abc.
"force_ssl_redirect" Forces the redirection to HTTPS even if the Ingress is not TLS Enabled. true or false Regardless of whether or not there is an SSL secret configured, setting to true will result in all non-https requests returning a 302 Found, and redirecting to the same host and location using https
"ssl_redirect" Indicates if the location section is only accessible via SSL (defaults to true when Ingress contains a Certificate). true or false If there is an SSL secret configured, unless set to false, all non-https requests will result in a 302 Found, and redirecting to the same host and location using https
"app_root" Defines the Application Root that the Controller must redirect if it's in / context. quoted string "/subdir" with a / request will result in a 302 redirecting the request to the same host at /subdir
"use_regex" Indicates if the paths defined on an Ingress use regular expressions. true or false If set to true, the paths will be examined for regular expressions. For example if the "context_name" is set to "/foo/\d{5}", any requests which are not preceded by /foo/ and 5 numeric digits will be rejected with a 404 Not Found. Any requests which match the requirement will be passed as specified to the backend, unless a "rewrite_target" is specified.


    "vhost_list" :
        "domain_list": [
        "rewrite_parms": {
            "ssl_redirect": true,
            "use_regex": true
        "context_list": [
                "context_name": "/foo/\\d{5}/"
                "context_name": "/foo/\\d{5}",
                "exact": true
        "conf_list": [
                "lb_port_list": [
                "dport": 8080,
                "be_ssl": false,
                "ip_list": [
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [

In the above example:

  • If the user specified http://regex-foo-zip/foo/11111/page.php the request would be returned with a 302 Found and a request to resubmit to http://regex-foo-zip/foo/11111/page.php which most browers will do automatically, if there is a SSL certificate specified using the ZCSSL message for the domain because of the "ssl_direct": true. If there was not a certificate available for the domain, then the request is immediately processed (as described next).
  • If the user specified https://regex-foo-zip/foo/11111/page.php the request would be routed to one of the backends (either or using the lb_strategy specified in the ZCLBALANCERCFG message.
  • If the user specified https://regex-foo-zip/page.php the request would return 404 Not Found as all requests to this domain must begin with /foo/ followed by 5 numeric digits, which is how to read the regular expression above. Regular expressions are described in many places on the internet including: here.


    "vhost_list" :
        "domain_list": [
        "rewrite_parms": {
            "rewrite_target": "/$2",
            "ssl_redirect": true,
            "use_regex": true
        "context_list": [
                "context_name": "/something(/|$)(.*)/"
                "context_name": "/something(/|$)(.*)",
                "exact": true
        "conf_list": [
                "lb_port_list": [
                "dport": 8080,
                "be_ssl": false,
                "ip_list": [
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [
                        "ip": "",
                        "port_list": [

The above example demonstrates the use of a regular expression and groups:

  • If the user specified https://regex-two-groups/something/page.php the request would be routed to one of the backends (either or using the lb_strategy specified in the ZCLBALANCERCFG message using the URI: /page.php because it matches the context prefix and group #2 of the regular expression which is (.*), the generic regular expression. Similarly, https://regex-two-groups/something/dir/dir2/page.php would be routed to /dir/dir2/page2.php.
  • If the user specified http://regex-two-groups/something/page.php the request would be returned for resubmission to https://regex-two-groups/something/page.php if there's an SSL certificate specified for the domain regex-two-groups because of the "ssl_redirect": true. If there's not a certificate for that domain, then the request is forwarded to the backend.
  • If the user specified https://regex-two-groups/some/page.php the request would return 404 Not Found as all requests must begin with /something.

ZCDOWN Message

ZCDOWN informs LiteSpeed Web ADC that a cluster is down and unavailable to support backend traffic.

Message Format:


The sample data above should be in the data file when sending via the command line. The API_COMMAND should be ZCDOWN.

ZCSSL Message

ZCSSL provides SSL data (key, cert and CA bundle) to LiteSpeed Web ADC.

The configuration is a list of SSL configuration objects:

  • domain_list: The list of domains that will utilize this SSL definition.
  • key: The SSL Private Key the domains should use. (NOT the file name, but the key itself).
  • cert: The SSL certificate the domains should use. (NOT the file name, but the cert itself).
  • ca_bundle: The SSL CA bundle that is associated with the certificate. (NOT the file name, but the CA bundle itself).
                "domain_list" :
                    [ "", "", "" ],
                "key" : "PRIVATE_KEY",
                "cert" : "CERTIFICATE",
                "ca_bundle" : "CERT_CHAIN"
        "domain_list" :
            [ "", "", "" ],
        "key" : "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ... ",
        "cert" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... ",
        "ca_bundle" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ..."

The sample data above should be in the data file when sending via command line. The API_COMMAND should be ZCSSL.


ZCSSLRELEASE deletes SSL data (key, cert and CA bundle) for specified domains from LiteSpeed Web ADC.

        "domain_list" :
          [ "", "", "" ]

The sample data above should be in the data file when sending via the command line. The API_COMMAND should be ZCSSLRELEASE.


ZCOWNRRELEASE relinquishes ownership of any configuration records for specified domains from LiteSpeed Web ADC (i.e., allows specified domains to be owned by a different authorized user, such as when transferring to another provider).

  "domain_list" : [ "", "", "" ]

The sample data above should be in the data file when sending via the command line. The API_COMMAND should be ZCOWNRRELEASE.


ZCLBALANCERCFG updates any future load balancer configurations. Thus this should be done when the load balancer starts before any traffic gets there so that load balancer configuration is correct. The configuration is a single object, all items are optional and you must specify them in the positions listed.

  • lb_mode: A number representing the load balancing mode:
    • 0 = Stateless
    • 1 = Stateful (default)
  • lb_strategy: A number representing the load balancing strategy:
    • 0 = Least-load
    • 1 = Round-robin (default)
    • 2 = Least-session
    • 3 = Faster-response
    • 4 = Failover (added in 3.1.2)
  • lb_sess_ex_bitmap: A bit map of all of the fields that can be used in identifying a session. The default is all on (127). As a bitmap, add up all of the values you select.
    • 1: IP address
    • 2: Basic authentication
    • 4: Query string
    • 8: Cookies
    • 16: SSL session
    • 32: JVM route
    • 64: URL path parameter
  • lb_sess_id: The session ID string used to extract the session ID from the cookie, query string and URL path parameter. Default is JSESSIONID
  • lb_sess_timeout: The number of seconds before a session is timed out. Default is 600.
  • lb_insert_cookie: Whether a cookie should be inserted.
    • 0 = No (default)
    • 1 = Yes
  • lb_cookie_name: The name of the cookie to be inserted. If lb_insert_cookie=1. Default is “LSLB-Route”.
  • lb_show_backend: If turned on, there will be a response header added “x-lsadc-backend” title and a value which is a concatenation of the cluster name and the backend IP and port.
    • 0 = Off (default)
    • 1 = On
  • lb_forward_ip_header: An additional header to be added to all proxy requests made to the backend server. This header will use either the visiting IP or the value set in the ‘X-Forwarded-For’ header as its value, depending on the value set for Use Client IP in Header.
  • lb_forward_by_header: An additional header to be added to all proxy requests made to the backend server. Typically ‘X-Forwarded-By’
  • lb_ping_interval: Number of seconds between pings. Defaults to 10. 0 disables pings.
  • lb_ping_smart_factor: How much to multiply ping-interval by between idle pings. 0 disables (default), 1 uses ping interval, 2 doubles ping interval, etc. A non-zero value detects traffic and suppresses pings if already busy.
  • lb_ping_path: The ping path to use if pinging. Default ‘/’

An example with all of the defaults would look like this:

    "lb_mode": 1,
    "lb_strategy": 1,
    "lb_sess_ex_bitmap": 127,
    "lb_sess_id" : "JSESSIONID",
    "lb_sess_timeout" : 600,
    "lb_insert_cookie" : 0,
    "lb_cookie_name" : "LSLB-Route",
    "lb_show_backend" : 0,
    "lb_ping_interval": 10,
    "lb_ping_smart_factor": 0,
    "lb_ping_path": "/"

API Control Messages

These messages are intended for temporary suspension and subsequent resumption of forwarding traffic to specific backend servers, such as when performing short term maintenance tasks. As noted above, this interface is only provided for API testing, and is slated for full support in an upcoming LiteSpeed Web ADC release.

  • ZCSUSPEND: Temporarily cease forwarding traffic to backend servers
  • ZCRESUME: Resume forwarding traffic to backend servers


LiteSpeed Web ADC will temporarily stop forwarding traffic to successfully suspended backend servers.


=== Example

``` JSON

The sample data above should be in the data file when sending via the command line. The API_COMMAND should be ZCSUSPEND.


Resume currently suspended backend servers.


The sample data above should be in the data file when sending via the command line. The API_COMMAND should be ZCRESUME.

API Status Messages

These messages are used to query the current LiteSpeed Web ADC configuration.

  • ZCQUERY: Look up backend servers for a specific domain / ADC port pair
  • ZCISUSPEND: Look up whether forwarding traffic to specific backend servers is temporarily suspended


Find the currently mapped backend servers for a specific domain and ADC Listener port.


The sample data above should be in the data file when sending via the command line. The API_COMMAND should be ZCQUERY.

Sample Response:


Note: the _ (underscore) prefix indicates non-ssl backend destinations. Secure (SSL) destinations are shown with an s prefix.


Check whether specific backend server:port destinations are currently suspended


The sample data above should be in the data file when sending via the command line. The API_COMMAND should be ZCISUSPEND.

Sample response: Suspended Suspended Suspended Clear Suspended

  1. These features are available only within a LiteSpeed Kubernetes Ingress Controller. 

Last update: May 29, 2024