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Basic Controls

The LSCache Engine is controlled through response headers, rewrite rules, and Apache-style directives.

Generally speaking, response headers are used by your LSCache plugin to instruct the LSCache Engine if and how to store cache objects for incoming requests. Rewrite rules mostly govern the retrieval of cache objects, though they can also set environment variables that instruct the Cache Engine. Apache directives control the cache engine on a more general level (i.e. enable caching, disable caching, set the cache root directory, etc.)

Rewrite rules take a request before it hits the server, retrieves the appropriate cache object (if one exists), and optionally sends instructions to the cache engine. If no matching cache object is found, the request makes its way to the web app, which generates the page. The page content is sent in the response back to the client, and at the same time your plugin instructs the cache engine whether to store that page as a new cache object, and if so, how it should be stored.

Apache Directives

LiteSpeed’s Apache-style configuration directives are added to .htaccess to control the general behavior of the cache engine. They must be nested in <IfModule LiteSpeed>/</IfModule> tags. This is to prevent any possible incompatibility issues.


<IfModule LiteSpeed> 
CacheEnable public /
CacheRoot /dev/shm/cacheroot
CacheMaxExpire 604800


Syntax: CacheEnable [cache_type] [url-string]

The CacheEnable directive instructs LiteSpeed Web Server to cache urls at or below url-string. Both public and private caches can be enabled based on the value specified with the cache_type argument.


# Enable public cache
CacheEnable public /
# Enable private cache
CacheEnable private /


Syntax: CacheDisable [cache_type] [url-string]

The CacheDisable directive instructs LiteSpeed Web Server to not cache urls at or below url-string. Both public and private caches can be disabled based on the value specified with the cache_type argument.


# Disable public cache
CacheDisable public /
# Disable private cache
CacheDisable private /


Syntax: CacheRoot directory

The CacheRoot directive defines the name of the directory on the disk to contain cache files.


CacheRoot /dev/shm/cacheroot


Syntax: CacheMaxFileSize bytes

The CacheMaxFileSize directive sets the maximum size, in bytes, for an object to be considered for storage in the cache.


CacheMaxFileSize 64000


Syntax: CacheIgnoreCacheControl On|Off

Ordinarily, requests containing a Cache-Control: no-cache or Pragma: no-cache header value will not be served from the cache. The CacheIgnoreCacheControl directive allows this behavior to be overridden. CacheIgnoreCacheControl On tells the server to attempt to serve the resource from the cache even if the request contains no-cache header values. Resources requiring authorization will never be cached.


CacheIgnoreCacheControl On


This directive will allow serving from the cache even if the client has requested that the document not be served from the cache. This might result in stale content being served.


Syntax: CacheMaxExpire seconds

The CacheMaxExpire directive specifies the maximum number of seconds for which cacheable HTTP documents will be retained without checking the origin server. Thus, documents will be out of date at most this number of seconds. This maximum value is enforced even if an expiry date was supplied with the document.


CacheMaxExpire 604800


Syntax: CacheLookup public on|off

The CacheLookup directive instructs LiteSpeed Web Server on whether or not to check public cache. Typically, on a web server level, you want to set this off with the following directive:

CacheLookup public off

And then turn it on selectively at the site level with the following directive:

CacheLookup public on

Rewrite Rules

Rewrite rules allow you to set environment variables and govern the retrieval of cache objects.

When a request comes in from the browser, rewrite rules are applied before the request hits the server. During this time, the cache key is checked and a matching cache object is retrieved, if it exists. Optionally, instructions may also be sent to the cache engine at this time. LiteSpeed Web Server carries out the instructions and sends a success response back to the browser along with the contents of the cached object.


You can instruct the Cache Engine with cache-control environment variables in .htaccess. Just be aware that X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control response headers will overrule any settings defined by rewrite rules.

Syntax: - [E=cache-control:value1,E=cache-control:value2] - [E="cache-control:value1,value2"]


cache-control may also be written as cache-ctrl.

Usage examples

In these examples, be sure to replace .* or path/example with the relevant URIs for your application!

  • Regular cache-control directives:
    RewriteRule .* - [E=cache-control:max-age=300]
    RewriteRule .* - [E=cache-control:private,max-age=300]
  • Flush private cache (see cache-purge for flushing public cache):
    RewriteRule path/example - [E=cache-control:flush]
  • Enable auto flush private cache by POST request:
    RewriteRule .* - [E=cache-control:autoflush]
  • Directly append vary_value to a cache key and a CGI environment variable, as in cache-control:vary=ismobile:
    RewriteRule path/example - [E=cache-control:vary=vary_value]


As of LiteSpeed Web Server v6.0, it is possible to purge public cache through rewrite rules, though you need to be careful. Make absolutely sure the rewrite condition is correct, and consider adding a way to authenticate or limit who can trigger the purge rules. Otherwise, you may unintentionally cause excessive purging on the site, which would lead to a considerable number of cache misses.

The parameters used with cache-purge are the same as those used with the X-LiteSpeed-Purge header.

Syntax: [E=cache-purge:<purge_values>]


RewriteRule ^/?purge_page1 - [E=cache-purge:tag=Page1]
If you have multiple values, you must use double quotes, like so:
RewriteRule ^/?purge_page2 - [E="cache-purge:tag=Cat1,tag=Page2"]


As of LiteSpeed Web Server v6.0, you have the ability to define cache tags through rewrite rules. The parameters used here are the same as those used with the X-LiteSpeed-Tag header.

Syntax: [E=cache-tag:tag1]


RewriteRule ^/?my_cat/product_page - [E="cache-tag:Cat1,Page3"]
This is equivalent to applying the X-LiteSpeed-Tag: Cat1,Page3 response header when the /my_cat/product_page is accessed.


There are two types of Cache Varies: Vary Cookies and a Vary Value.

Syntax: - [E=Cache-Vary:my_cookie] to vary on a cookie - [E=Cache-Control:vary=value] to vary on a vary value

There is a lot more to this topic. Please see our Cache Varies documentation.


Rewrite Rules can control the ESI engine.

Turn on the ESI engine for a request:

RewriteRule .* - [E=esi_on:1]

Turn off the ESI engine for a request:

RewriteRule .* - [E=esi_on:0]

Response Headers

After a request goes through the rewrite rules, if no cache object is found, the request is forwarded to the web app and to your plugin. The app generates the requested page. Your LSCache plugin defines Response Headers which instruct the Cache Engine how to handle this new content according to the rules of the app. LiteSpeed Web Server carries out the instructions and sends a success response back to the browser along with the web app's newly generated content.


These headers are meant specifically to be used with LiteSpeed Cache. If the server is not a LiteSpeed server or if the cache module is not registered, these headers will be ignored.


The X-Litespeed-Cache-Control header functions similarly to the basic Cache-control header, but it is for internal use. If both headers are set, LiteSpeed Web Server will ignore the value of the Cache-control header and use only the value set by X-Litespeed-Cache-Control. Possible values for X-Litespeed-Cache-Control are:

  • no-cache
  • no-store
  • max-age
  • max-stale
  • public
  • private
  • s-maxage
  • no-vary
  • esi


Turn on ESI for a specific response:

X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: esi=on
Cache a response for an hour:
X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=3600
Cache a response in private cache for a day:
X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: private,max-age=864020
Set many parameters for a cached response:
X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: shared,private,no-vary,max-age=864020,esi=on


Use X-LiteSpeed-Purge to tell LiteSpeed Web Server to purge cache objects. A purge can be initiated by URL or by Tag.


When purging public cache, specifying public is optional. When purging private cache, specifying private is required. tag= is always optional.

Usage examples

Purge all public cache:

X-LiteSpeed-Purge: *
Purge all private cache for the current user:
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: private, *
Purge public cache by Tag:
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: tag=Cat1, tag=Page2
Purge private cache by Tag:
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: private, tag=Cat1,tag=Page2
Purge by URL (only exact matches are purged):
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: /phpinfo.php`, `X-LiteSpeed-Purge: private,/phpinfo.php

Currently, regular expressions or wildcards are not supported for Tag or URL, but support may be added in a future release.

Format examples

X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,tag=pubtag1,tag=pubtag2;private,tag=privtag1,tag=privtag2
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,tag=pubtag1,tag=pubtag2;private,tag=*
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: public,stale,tag=pubtag1,tag=pubtag2;private,stale,tag=privtag1,tag=privtag2
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: pubtag1,pubtag2,pubtag3;private,*
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: pubtag1,pubtag2,pubtag3;private,privtag1,privtag2
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: stale,pubtag1,pubtag2, pubtag3;private,stale,privtag1,privtag2
In this example, pubtag2 is stale, as indicated by the -s suffix:
X-LiteSpeed-Purge: pubtag1,pubtag2~s,pubtag3;private,privtag1,privtag2


The X-LiteSpeed-Tag header is used to assign tags to cache objects, which allows them to be grouped and purged together later. Each object may have multiple tags assigned to it, as in:

X-LiteSpeed-Tag: Cat1,Page3

There are a few formatting rules that must be followed: - Since they are going to be used in a response header, tags must follow response-header rules. As such only ASCII characters are allowed, and no special characters (spaces, commas, quotes) may be used. - The public: prefix is reserved. - Spaces between tags are optional. We sometimes use them here for readability purposes, but suggest you remove them in your own code for better performance.

If both cache control and the tag are public, the public: prefix is optional.

Public cache control examples

X-LiteSpeed-Tag: public:pubtag1,public:pubtag2
X-LiteSpeed-Tag: pubtag1,pubtag2

If cache control is private, but the tag is public, the public: prefix is required.

Private cache control example

If you have the following:

X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: private,max-age=3600
you should label public and private tags like so:
X-LiteSpeed-Tag: public:pubtag1,public:pubtag2,public:pubtag3,privtag1,privtag2


There are two types of Cache Varies: Vary Cookies and a Vary Value.


To vary on a cookie:

X-LiteSpeed-Vary: cookie=my_cookie
To vary on a vary value:
X-LiteSpeed-Vary: value=ismobile
To vary on both:
X-LiteSpeed-Vary: cookie=my_cookie,value=ismobile
To vary on multiple cookies
X-LiteSpeed-Vary: cookie=my_cookie,cookie=my_cookie2

There is a lot more to this topic. Please see our Cache Varies documentation.


This header is inserted by Litespeed Web Server when it serves from cache, possible values are:

X-LiteSpeed-Cache: hit
X-LiteSpeed-Cache: hit,private
X-LiteSpeed-Cache: hit,litemage

If LSWS returns a miss value rather than a hit it means that the content has not been served from cache this time, but cache object creation has been initiated.

Generally speaking, cookies will contain private information, so by default, all pages that are cached in LiteSpeed Cache will have the Set-Cookie header dropped. The LSC-cookie header is used instead to send out a Set-Cookie header for the pages served from cache. The LSC-Cookie header follows the same syntax as a Set-Cookie header, but will be sent to the client along with the cached page.

In other words, LSC-Cookie is a cacheable Set-Cookie, which will be converted and sent out as a Set-Cookie.

One potential usage is to check if the client supports cookies. If the web application always generates a cookie on every page and a page is served from the cache without any cookies, the web application may assume that the client does not have cookies enabled.


Suppose you have the following in your plugin:

<?php header(‘LSC-Cookie: lsc_cached_page=1’); ?>
When the page is served from cache, the response header will include this:
Set-Cookie: lsc_cached_page=1

Last update: May 29, 2024