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Configuration is optional. Once the module is activated, your cache is already up and running, but you can customize a few settings on the configuration screen, if you wish.


LSCache of This Site

Clear this site

It is not necessary to clear the cache under normal everyday usage. Content can be added and edited on your site and LSCache will clear the impacted pages automatically.

If, however, you are upgrading your website, changing the site theme and/or logo, adding a new extension, etc, you will want to clear the whole cache then. Use this button to do so.

This option only clears the current Drupal installation. If you have multiple Drupal installations on the same virtual host, they will not be affected.

Warm up this site

Warms up the public cache of this Drupal installation. If you have multiple Drupal installations on the same virtual host, they will not be affected. If Private Cache Status is set to ON, private cache will also be warmed up.

LSCache Settings

The settings in this section refer to public cache.

Cache Status

This should be On if you want to use LSCache. Turn it Off to stop caching your site.

Public Cache TTL

This value determines the number of seconds the pages on your Drupal site can remain in cache before they are considered out-of-date. Default is 64800, the equivalent of 18 hours.


If turned On, LiteSpeed Cache will emit extra headers for testing while developing or deploying.

Private Cache for Logged in Users

LiteSpeed Cache supports ESI, so that you may include blocks of privately cached content on public pages for logged in users.

To learn more about what ESI is and how it works, please see ESI (Edge Side Includes).

Private Cache Status

This should be On if you want to create privately cached ESI blocks for logged-in users. Turn it Off to stop using private cache.

Private Cache TTL

This value determines the number of seconds the privately cached ESI blocks on your Drupal site can remain in cache before they are considered out-of-date. Default is 3600, the equivalent of 1 hour.

ESI Blocks Setting

Privately cached ESI blocks are identified by their div ids. To treat particular divs as ESI blocks, enter them in the text box, one per line.


To make the following div an ESI Block, enter it in the ESI Blocks Setting as id=bar-administrator

<div id="bar-administrator">...<div>

CLI Commands

CLI commands may be executed from the website host server through the drush lscache command in the /drupal_root/vendor/bin folder.

Purge All Cache

Clears the cache for the specified site.

Command: purgeall


Purge all cache from

./drush lscache:purgeall

cURL alternative:

curl -N ""

Warm Up Whole Website

Warms up the cache for the specified site.

Command: warmup


Warm up the cache for

./drush lscache:warmup

cURL alternative:

curl -N ""


The CLI warmup command can only warm up public page caches. If you want to warm up private cache, you need to use the Warm up this site button in the Web GUI's LSCache admin panel.

Last update: March 2, 2024