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LiteSpeed Options Metabox

LSCWP LiteSpeed Options Metabox

The LiteSpeed Options metabox was introduced in LSCWP v5.0 as a convenient way to adjust cache and optimization settings on a per-post basis. It appears in the post editor for new and existing posts of any type, including Post, Page, and Product (for WooCommerce).


Want to hide the metabox from the post editing screen? In the Classic Editor, select Screen Options at the top of the page and un-check LiteSpeed Options. In the Block Editor, select the 3-dot menu, then Preferences > Panels and disable LiteSpeed Options.

Disable Cache

This switch is an alternative to the Do Not Cache URIs setting. It is turned off (gray, with the circle to the left) by default, which means the page you are editing will be cached, unless it is excluded by some other setting within the Cache > Excludes tab.

Flip the switch to ON (blue, with the circle to the right), if you wish to exclude this post from cache.

Disable Image Lazyload

This switch is an alternative to the Lazy Load URI Excludes setting. It is turned off (gray, with the circle to the left) by default, which means the images on the page you are editing will be lazy loaded, unless they are excluded by some other setting within the Page Optimization > Media Excludes tab.

Flip the switch to ON (blue, with the circle to the right), if you wish to exclude the images in this post from lazy loading.

Viewport Images


You must have Page Optimization > Media Settings > Lazy Load Images set to ON and Page Optimization > VPI > Viewport Images set to ON for this setting to take effect.

If you have the the VPI service enabled, this box will display any Viewport Images already detected by the service. For a new post, this setting will be empty, but once published, the post will be added to the VPI queue, and Viewport Images will be calculated in time. If you already know what image(s) you wish to exclude from lazy loading, you can enter them here, and the post will not be sent to the VPI service for calculation.

If you are editing an existing post, and the VPI service has already detected that there are images above the fold which should be excluded from lazy loading, they will be listed here. You can delete the contents of this box to have the VPI recalculated by You can also add or remove images manually.

Images should be listed without a domain name (as in, /path/image.jpg), one per line.

Viewport Images - Mobile

This setting is exactly the same as the above Viewport Images setting, except that it applies only to a mobile viewport. The list of images here may differ from the setting above, if different images are visible on mobile and desktop. Cache > Cache > Cache Mobile should be set to ON. If you don't have Cache Mobile enabled, then this setting is ignored.

Last update: March 28, 2024