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Presets Section

You can use Presets to easily configure your LiteSpeed Cache plugin. When you apply a Preset, your existing settings are backed up, and then replaced with the chosen preset.


See a video demonstration of How to Install and Configure LiteSpeed Cache using Presets here.

Standard Presets Tab

LSCWP Presets Section Standard Presets Tab

Eventually, we hope to include Presets that have been submitted by members of our community. For now, we have these LiteSpeed Cache Standard Presets that were developed by our team. We've included a selection of presets for every comfort level.

To use a preset, press the Apply Preset button below your chosen preset and answer OK when prompted to continue. Your old settings will be backed up, and the new preset settings will be applied.

Be sure to test your site and make sure everything is working as expected. This is especially important if you've chosen one of the higher-risk presets. If the preset causes a problem, you can revert back to your previous settings via the History section at the bottom of the tab.


This preset enables the following:

About this preset:

  • Appropriate for: Beginners; those who don't understand cache plugins; those who want to "set it and forget it"
  • Domain Key: Not required; you do not need to connect to to use this preset
  • Expertise required: No; these settings do not have the potential to break your site; you should not need to make any adjustments in order for these settings to have some impact
  • User experience impact: Potentially good; caching can make a noticeable improvement in your site's page loading time
  • Page score impact: Medium; page scoring sites like to see that you have caching enabled


This preset enables the following:

About this preset:

  • Appropriate for: Enthusiastic beginners; those who want to ease into a basic level of optimization
  • Domain Key: Required; you will need to connect to to use this preset; the Image Optimization service is provided by, and is free
  • Expertise required: Probably not; you should not need to make many adjustments in order for these settings to have some impact
  • User experience impact: Potentially good; caching and optimized images can both speed up page load time.
  • Page score impact: Good; page scoring sites like to see that you have caching enabled, and that your images are optimized


This preset enables the following:

About this preset:

  • Appropriate for: Those who have a basic comfort level with adjusting optimization settings
  • Domain Key: Required; you will need to connect to to use this preset; the Online Services are provided by, and may incur a charge after any monthly free quota is depleted
  • Expertise required: Maybe; these settings are unlikely to cause conflicts, but if they do, you should be comfortable using the tools in Page Optimization > Tuning to exclude CSS or JS files from optimization
  • User experience impact: Potentially great; Guest Mode is aimed at giving users a fast page load from their very first visit
  • Page score impact: Great; Guest Optimization was designed for improving your page score


This preset enables the following:

About this preset:

  • Appropriate for: Those who enjoy experimenting with optimization settings
  • Domain Key: Required; you will need to connect to to use this preset; the Online Services are provided by, and may incur a charge after any monthly free quota is depleted
  • Expertise required: Yes; it's possible these settings may introduce CSS or JS conflicts, especially if you have a lot of plugins or a complicated theme; you should be comfortable using the tools in Page Optimization > Tuning to exclude CSS or JS files from optimization
  • User experience impact: Potentially excellent; as long as you address any potential conflicts, these optimizations can make your site a pleasure to use
  • Page score impact: Excellent; page scoring sites love to see all of these optimizations in effect


This preset enables the following:

About this preset:

  • Appropriate for: Optimization experts; fearless explorers
  • Domain Key: Required; you will need to connect to to use this preset; the Online Services are provided by, and may incur a charge after any monthly free quota is depleted
  • Expertise required: Yes; these settings are likely to introduce CSS or JS conflicts, especially if you have a lot of plugins or a complicated theme; you should be comfortable using the tools in Page Optimization > Tuning to exclude CSS or JS files from optimization
  • User experience impact: Potentially excellent; as long as you address any potential conflicts, these optimizations can make your site a pleasure to use
  • Page score impact: Excellent; this preset includes the maximum level of optimization that page speed tools suggest


LSCWP Presets Section Standard Presets Tab History

This area only appears on the Standard Presets tab if you have previously applied a preset. Every time you apply a preset, it is listed in the history, along with a link that will allow you to revert back to the previous settings.

Import / Export Tab

This Presets tab is an exact copy of the one that appears in the Toolbox section. There's a copy here, because it's helpful to have easy access to export, reset, or import your settings when you are experimenting with Presets.

Please see Toolbox > Import/Export Tab for a full explanation of the settings in this tab.

Last update: March 2, 2024