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Command Reference

The following commands are for use with LiteSpeed Web Server.


The default installation location for LSWS is /usr/local/lsws/.

Control Commands

$ sudo service lsws {start|restart|stop|reload|condrestart|try-restart|status|help}

start       - start web server
stop        - stop web server
restart     - gracefully restart web server with zero down time
reload      - same as restart
condrestart - gracefully restart web server if server is running
try-restart - same as condrestart
status      - show service status
help        - this screen
$ sudo chkconfig lsws {on|off}

License Commands

Register a new license key (-r)

$ sudo /usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -r

Test current license locally (-t)

$ sudo /usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -t

Verify current license against license server (-V). This Command will force communication with LiteSpeed licensing server immediately.

$ sudo usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -V

Migrate current license (-m)

$ sudo /usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -m

Misc Commands

If you forgot your admin web console login, you can reset your password from the command line

$ sudo /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/

Check version

$ sudo /usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -v

Switch version

$ sudo /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ <version

Force re-install/update

$sudo /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ -f -v <version>

Install/Uninstall startup script

$ sudo /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/
$ sudo /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/

Last update: March 2, 2024