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cPanel + LiteSpeed Administration Guide

The cPanel + LiteSpeed + CloudLinux combination is officially supported by all three companies.

This document is for cPanel system administrators, and covers the following areas:

  • Quick Start Guide
  • Manage LiteSpeed with WHM LiteSpeed Plugin
  • Manage WordPress Cache at the server level
  • Customize PHP handler
  • Customize CloudLinux features
  • Customize LSCache Engine
  • Apply LiteSpeed-specific security features
  • Tune the LiteSpeed configuration
  • Cluster setup with LiteSpeed ADC via ZeroConf integration
  • Enable HTTP/3(QUIC)
  • Enable IP to GeoLocation support
  • CloudFlare integration
  • PageSpeed integration
  • Websocket Proxy and general proxy setup
  • LSMCD (Memcached replacement) for shared hosting environments
  • Common problems and troubleshooting steps

Last update: March 2, 2024