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LiteSpeed Cache Engine Setup

A shared hosting provider may want to maintain server-wide control over the enabling and disabling of cache-related services. These services include caching itself as well as the ESI and Crawler functions available with our WordPress LSCache Plugin. By disabling the cache globally and enabling it for a particular virtual host, shared hosting providers have different levels of control and may offer LSCache as an add-on service to their customers.


The default LiteSpeed Cache settings work well with most caching scenarios. We strongly recommend that you do not change any of the Server Level default cache policy settings. Leave them as Not Set.



esi and crawler are disabled by default during the initial installation and you will need to enable them specifically.

Set Server-Level Cache Root

Add the following lines to the /etc/httpd/conf.d/iworx-support-litespeed.conf Apache config file.

<IfModule Litespeed>
CacheRoot /home/lscache/


We recommend that you set the server level cache root to /home/lscache/ or a disk partition with enough space.

Set Virtual-Host-Level Cache Root

For all Virtual Hosts

To enable virtual-host-level cache root globally, run the following to edit the global custom-includes template:

~iworx/bin/config.pex --customize-template http/vhost/custom-includes --for-global

Add the following lines and then save and exit the file:

<IfModule Litespeed>
CacheRoot lscache

This is done to set each virtual host's cache directory to its home directory (/home/<user>/lscache).

More info on using the template system can be found here, on your server: ~iworx/etc/templates/http/vhost/

For a Specific Virtual Host

Create a custom include file for the virtual host, for example,, at /home/example/var/ and add the following contents:

<IfModule Litespeed>
CacheRoot lscache

This will set the cache directory for this virtual host to /home/<user>/lscache.

Last update: March 2, 2024